Resilience Building: Learn to bounce back from setbacks through micro-adjustments in perspective
Bias for Action: Develop clarity and momentum through subtle shifts in prioritization and perspective.
Emotional Intelligence: Enhance relationships and leadership development through nuanced awareness
The Power of Five Degrees
Ever feel overwhelmed by the pressure to make dramatic changes in your leadership style or life? What if meaningful transformation could happen through small, intentional shifts instead of massive overhauls? Shannon Cassidy brings decades of leadership development expertise to this approach. She's helped countless leaders discover the power of intentional micro-adjustments in creating extraordinary results.
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So glad you're here!
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Meet Loren
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Your Learner Journey
(Included in full purchase)
Course Workbook (Download to Print)
(Included in full purchase)
Fillable Workbook (Download and Save to Desktop)
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Module 1: The Power of 5 Degree Changes
(Included in full purchase)
The Power of 5 Degree Changes
(Included in full purchase)
Introduction to Module 1
(Included in full purchase)
A Look at Loren
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 1: Demonstrating Resilience
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Daily Reset Practice
(Included in full purchase)
Transforming Stress from Setbacks to Growth Opportunities
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 2: Rebounding from Mistakes
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: Mistake Reframe Journal
(Included in full purchase)
Mastering Life Lessons
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 3: Expect the Unexpected
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: Prepare for the Unexpected Worksheet
(Included in full purchase)
Mastering High Stakes Conversations
(Included in full purchase)
Module 2: Creating Focus for Impactful Choices
(Included in full purchase)
Creating Focus for Impactful Choices
(Included in full purchase)
Module 2 Intro
(Included in full purchase)
A Look at Loren
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 4: Prioritizing Priorities
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Priority Pause
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: Rocks
(Included in full purchase)
Your Rocks
(Included in full purchase)
Mastering the Art of Prioritizing What Matters
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 5: Say No to Say Yes to the Right Things
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Gratitude No
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: The Yes/No Inventory
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 6: Look for Blind Spots
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Feedback Micro-Practice
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: The Shadow Map
(Included in full purchase)
Uncovering Your Blind Spots: Exploring the Johari Window
(Included in full purchase)
Module 3: Keeping Promises & Finding Your Success
(Included in full purchase)
Keeping Promises & Finding Your Success
(Included in full purchase)
Module 3 Intro
(Included in full purchase)
A Look at Loren
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 7: Keep Promises
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Promise Pause
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: Promise Tracking
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 8: Find Your Happiness & Success Formula
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: Alignment Check
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 9: Improve the Quality of Your Questions
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Question Upgrade
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: Question Journal
(Included in full purchase)
Transform Your Questions
(Included in full purchase)
Module 4: Creating New Possibilities
(Included in full purchase)
Creating New Possibilities
(Included in full purchase)
Module 4 Intro
(Included in full purchase)
A Look at Loren
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 10: Create New Possibilities
(Included in full purchase)
Finding the Right Tool: The Ladder of Leverage
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: Walk Down the Ladder of Leverage
(Included in full purchase)
Unlocking Empowerment - The Ladder of Leverage Explained
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 11: Rewrite Your Limiting Stories
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Story Shift
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: Building Your Story-Shift Chart
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 12: Choose Connections Carefully
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Energy Audit
(Included in full purchase)
Relationships as Bank Accounts - Building Lifelong Equity
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: Connection Mapping
(Included in full purchase)
Do Your Relationships Energize or Drain You?
(Included in full purchase)
Module 5: Sharing Your Brilliance
(Included in full purchase)
Sharing Your Brilliance
(Included in full purchase)
Module 5 Intro
(Included in full purchase)
A Look at Loren
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 13: Take Control of Yourself
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Response Reset
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: Areas of Control
(Included in full purchase)
Mastering Your Attitude - Control Your Life's Outcomes
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 14: Share Your Brilliance
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: Share Your Brilliance
(Included in full purchase)
Reflection Activity: Share Your Brilliance
(Included in full purchase)
Unlock Your Brilliance - Amplify Your Joy and Energy
(Included in full purchase)
Shift 15: Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence
(Included in full purchase)
Create 5° of Change: The Emotion Name-and-Tame
(Included in full purchase)
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Self-Assessment Tool
(Included in full purchase)
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Scoring Guide
(Included in full purchase)
Course Completion
(Included in full purchase)
Where's Loren Now?
(Included in full purchase)
You've finished this course!
(Included in full purchase)
Stay in touch!
(Included in full purchase)

Inside The Program
Over 15 transformative shifts across 5 modules, you'll discover: - How to identify your critical "5-degree moments" for maximum impact - Practical tools for making subtle but powerful adjustments - Strategies for turning small wins into sustained success - Techniques for building momentum in your leadership and life - Methods for creating lasting change through incremental steps
Your Transformation Begins With One Small Step
Ready to discover how 5° shifts can transform your leadership journey? Join us in this unique approach to sustainable leadership development.